Our sweet Bolt left us unexpectedly Saturday, June 17, 2023 at the age of 15 years.
They say dogs have a way of finding the people who need them most and filling an emptiness one never knew they had. For Brianna and Bolt, this holds especially true. They selected each other and she knew that he was the dog for her from the first time they met. He was our four legged little paw family member and what we always said – The man of our home.
Bolt was a true gentleman. He was cool, calm, and a very loyal companion. Yet, at the hair salon or veterinary office…a drama king. Bolt was a mischievous dog in his youth and enjoyed stealing unattended food. In his eyes, it was an open invitation of love that you were leaving for him to take. Bolt was fast acting. He had a 3 second rule. 1, 2, all mine. He was also known as Mr. Photogenic. Bolt was always picture ready and flashing his contagious smile. On the other side, he was embarrassed of his monthly haircuts by his parents. We laughed as we grabbed a shirt from his huge dresser of clothes. Bolt really disliked his home haircuts, but he knew that his inability to let the groomers cut his hair was the reason for them. So in turn, he never put up a fight and was like – “Quick, put on a shirt to cover up my layers!” He would stand there proudly waiting for his clean shirt to be placed on him. This is the reason you never saw him without a full set of clothes at all times, day and night. Nope, not our Boltito.
Sadly, Bolt’s age and health problems took over the last 7 months of his life. This was extremely hard on us as we came to the realization that our time with him was short, and that we would have to let him go soon. His last few months were filled with home cooked meals, a beach trip, stroller rides, HEB grocery runs and plenty of cuddle time. He loved laying in your arms, it was the most comforting thing for him, and we too enjoyed every minute of it.
These last 15 years have been absolutely amazing with Bolt in our lives, and we wouldn’t have changed a thing. He will always hold a piece of our hearts forever. We love him so much. Bolt – run to Max and Elvis. Grandma Zulema is waiting for you over the bridge. Take care of each other.
He is preceded in death by his older sibling Elvis and friend Max.
Bolt is survived by his long time companion Muffins. His parents Brianna Rios and Felichia Moreno. He was loved and adored by the entire Moreno Family and his extended paw family – Rocky, Baby, Chewy, Owen, Texas and friends.
We love you Bolt. Forever and always.
You took great care of three wonderful women!! You will be greatly missed A well deserved rest and happy play time await you. Thanks for all the great memories. 🥰