Buddy Boop Sexton

November 1, 1995 ~ May 28, 2008
Buddy “Boop” lived a very long and full life, which began the day he entered mine, on December 18, 1995. He came to me from Oscar Meyer Links just outside of Seattle. He was the last puppy left of his litter and seemed so sad, being all alone in his crate. I guess God was just saving the best for last.
Buddy never met a stranger he didn’t like. Oh he barked at them, but his tail wagging ferociously always gave him away. His favorite treat waswellanything you had to offer. In the summertime, I would sometimes stop for an ice cream cone near home and always made sure to eat slow enough, so that when I got home there would be a nice surprise for him in the cone.
He had all the traits of a dachshund. Once he got it into his head that he was or wasn’t going to do something, that’s just how it was. But his capacity to love unconditionally, far outweighed his stubborn streak.
During Buddy’s lifetime, we lost two companions. Our kitty Dooters, left us in 2000, at the distinguished age of 15. And, in 2006, we had to say goodbye to Heidi “Bear”. We lost her at the very young age of 9, after a sudden illness. Buddy and Heidi couldn’t have been closer, had they been from the same litter. When she left us, Buddy had to find a new friend to bond with. But God had that all planned out. Earlier in 2002, we were adopted by our kitty, Tucker. Everybody knows that you don’t own a catthe cat only allows you serve on its staff. After Heidi departed, Buddy and Tucker became best friends. They spent their days in the window on a specially designed window seat (complete with ramp and railing) made by their Uncle Marvin. (When Heidi was still with us, all three would be packed into their window seatend to endhappy as could be.) It was here that Tucker would groom Buddy on a daily basis.
This year, in February, we took a trip to visit Grandpa and Grandma (Ragen) and their pupsDazey Mae and Misty Boo. Buddy covered 4 states during that little excursion. After each stop, he could hardly wait to get back into his carrier to hit the road again. He was a great traveling companion. I’m sure he got tired of listening to my silly road trip songs, and the fact that I would point out all the cool stuff I saw along they way. But, he never complained. Throughout his life, Buddy visited a total of 13 states. And of course, he left his mark on each and every one of them!
For the last nine years, Buddy was under the loving care of Dr. Dan McIlhany, Dr. Timothy Lord and the fantastic staff at Towne North Animal Hospital in San Antonio. Each and every one of them, I’m sure at one time or another, played a vital role in Buddy’s care and deserves recognition for their contribution. They are in no certain order: Sara, Sharon, Jeffrey, Elisa, Alicia, Valerie, Doug, Angela, Carlos, Renee, Jose, Jessica A, Jessica C, Rachel, Scarlett, Kathleen, Taylor and Amber. They treated him no differently than they would have treated their own. Upon his arrival, Buddy would always greet everyone within earshot, with lots of barking. It was as if to say, “I’m hereso let’s get this party started”. I relied upon Dr. Mc for his guidance every step of the way, with Buddy’s health. He knew exactly what Buddy needed and when he needed it. It’s only because of his dedication and caring, that Buddy was able to live the long and full life that he enjoyed. For that, I’m eternally grateful.
Buddy brought so much love, comfort and companionship to me during his lifetime. Through the good and not so good, Buddy was always there with those big eyes to show how much he cared. He always knew if I didn’t feel well. It was during those times that he would just come and be by mejust in case he was needed. When he didn’t feel well, I would find myself sleeping next to him on the floor. Or I would sleep close to the edge of the bed where I could reach out and touch him during the night, just to let him know I was there and watching over him.
During the last two months of Buddy’s life, a new friend came to live with us. A foster dog (another little girl named Heidi) from the Diamond Dachshund Rescue in Kerrville. I’m glad she was able to put a little bit of sunshine back into Buddy’s life, if only for a short time. They began to form a friendship that I know he carried with him as he crossed over the Rainbow Bridge to meet up once again with our Dooters and Heidi “Bear”.
My thanks to everyone at Towne North Animal Hospital, Veterinary Imaging Center and Emergency Pet Clinic for providing a lifetime of health for Buddy. Also, thank you to the wonderful people at All Paws Great & Small Pet Crematory for handling my sweet boy with such respect and genuine caring.
Thank you sweet boy, for your love and companionship throughout the years. You’ve no idea how much comfort you gave in your lifetime. I’m so thankful that I was able to be there with you, as you crossed over the bridge. I miss you dearly, but know that now you are without pain and sickness. You are free to run and play with renewed energy. Go chase the butterflies and remember not to lick any frogs. They aren’t fond of that kind of thing. Give Dooters and Heidi my love and lots of kisses.
Love, Mommy
Funeral Home:
All Paws Great and Small Crematory
5611 E. Houston St.
San Antonio, TX
US 78220
Sign the Guestbook, Light a Candle