Buddy Yacenda

February 14, 1999 ~ January 23, 2005
People who see animals as more than just pets will understand the pain that Andy and I feel tonight. On Sunday, Jan. 23rd, 2005, Buddy, a very special family member passed away after a sudden illness. He would have been 6 years old around Feb.14th. Buddy’s heart gave out after a very brave struggle against suspected pneumonia. As much as we miss him, we are thankful that God heard our prayer for us not to have to make the decision to let him go. He saw that our dear Buddy had suffered enough and He took him home. He filled our lives with so much love and many wonderful memories. We would like to share some special memories and photos with anyone who sees this love letter to our ‘furry child’.
Buddy came into our lives on a cold stormy day in 1999. Fortunately, Buddy, you never knew we went to PetsMart that day to get a puppy. As the lady from the Converse Animal Shelter was bringing in the pet carriers, I saw you huddled in one corner of the cage and your sister in the other. You were just a little ball of fur, looking so scared and vulnerable. She asked me if I wanted to hold you and after cuddling you for thirty minutes, all thoughts of a puppy were gone and I knew you were mine. We were told that you were a girl, so we named you Belle after Beauty and the Beast because you were so beautiful. It was only at your first check up that I was told that you were emphatically not a Belle. Your name was quickly changed to Buddy. You and I had formed a very quick bond during a time that I very much needed help to get through a particularly rough time in my life.
I remember the many times you’d jump up on the day bed to play while I was trying to study. You’d pounce and nip at things until you finally wore yourself out and snuggled in for a nap. Dad quickly came under your spell too. You and he shared many naps on the couch together. As you grew older, you still liked to share yourself with us in exchange for a massage and some stroking- especially under your chin and down your pink nose. You never tired of checking things out and anyone who came to our home was greeted by you at the door. We referred to you as our attack cat. You’d run ahead of all of us letting us know whose house it really was. And I’ll always see you perched on top of the pink lounger, looking like a big Davy Crockett hat, wagging your long Maine Coon tail in the face of anyone who dared sit in your chair. Dad learned how to beat you at that game by grabbing your tail and holding it still. I dont think we’ll ever be able to make the bed without thinking of all the times we played hide and seek within the sheets. You loved for us to cover you and then as we touched your back, you’d make that special response that sounded like a game of Marco Polo.
Oh Dear Friend, we will miss you very, very much. God must have sent you as an angel to help us grow in love and tenderness, and to fill our empty nest with love and joy again. You taught us so much about unconditional love and the simple joys of watching you made us appreciate the small moments of life. We will miss your beautiful green eyes that will haunt our dreams and your distinct chirps as you greeted us. We will remember forever how you would stand on your tiptoes with your back arched for some attention – that never ceased to make us laugh. We will see you cuddling Pinky, your elephant play toy, whenever we look at the toybox and we will miss your greeting every morning in the bedroom, as we get ready for the day. One day, you probably would have learned how to turn that bedroom doorknob. You came real close. We could go on and on, but we hope in our hearts that you know you were very special and were very much loved. You will be very much missed. Your paw prints are forever engraved on our hearts. Rest in Peace, beloved Buddy. Love Mom and Dad
Besides his loving family, Lori and Rich, Andrew and Danielle, Buddy is survived by his cat brother Blackie and his cat sisters, Sammie and Duchy; his dog cousin, Noel; and his cat cousins, Tigger, Taylor, Timmy and Jax. He joined his dog cousin Maxy on the Rainbow Bridge who was waiting there for him. Buddy, you will be sorely missed by your family and those fortunate enough to have been able to get to know your special personality.
Funeral Home:
All Paws Great and Small Crematory
5611 E. Houston St.
San Antonio, TX
US 78220
Sign the Guestbook, Light a Candle