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Chipp Pena

chipp pena

My Chippy: Words cannot describe how much I love you. I will miss you everyday. You were there with me when it felt like no one else was. You were a rescue dog, abandoned by your previous owners. You came to us that faithful day, and chose us to be your owners. We couldn’t have asked for a better decade of pure bliss. I didn’t want you to leave but you deserved peace, and in the end we’re glad we were the ones to give you that peace. I wouldn’t trade the years of happiness you gave us for anything. You chose to live with us, and gave us 11+ years of love and happiness that comes unmatched to anything that I’ll feel from any other pet. You were our Chippy, our Chipdadip, our Wolfie, our Chopp, and my best friend. I will never get used to the quietness of our home now that you’re gone. Apart of me is missing since you’ve left, and I can’t wait to be whole again when it’s my time. We love you Chipp, and we will always think of you and the memories you gave us. Till next time, when we will all see you again.

My Chipadip: Chipp, our best friend, protector of Max, left this world today. We will miss him. Chippy, a good dog.

My Wolfie: The sounds you made for me will always make me laugh. My Wolfie, my Chewbacca those sound of yours are still reeling in my mind. You were so obedient and willing to go that extra mile to please everyone’s commands, and the many nicknames you answered by such as Picapus, Babybop, and Hey Babe. Youre ears would perk up and you wouldnt mind to walk to another room just to answer our calls. I will always miss your daily greeting with a kiss when I would get home from work, you would be waiting outside and could see me drive up from far away. You must have known the sound of my car. I won’t forget those days of long car rides, walking to the park, and just spending time together. You will forever be missed. Until we meet again. I love you.

Funeral Home:
All Paws Great and Small Crematory
5611 E. Houston St.
San Antonio, TX
US 78220

All Paws Great and Small Crematory
5611 E. Houston St.
San Antonio, TX
US 78220

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