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Duke Shunn

duke shunn

Duke came into our lives in November of 2008 when it was just my husband and I. He immediately filled our hearts with pure love and joy. He was such a good and loyal dog who loved attention and belly rubs. We miss him terribly and will be forever be in our hearts. He blessed us with his presence for 12 years and 7 months. I wish we had him longer but God needed a new angel so it was time for him to go. We love you so much, Duke. We hope you are having so much fun in heaven.

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Memories Timeline


    • Thank you Jackie. He loved people around and enjoyed attention. He enjoyed the love and attention you all showed the last time you saw him.

    • Thank you teng. Makalungkut pin lalu na biglaan ing panga mate na. We didn’t have time to prepare but I think it’s for the best, kesa naman nung mag kasakit ya pa, makalunus nya sigurung akakit.

  1. I love you boy. Life is not going to be the same without you. I still have a full bag of treats for you. It’s so sad that you left us so suddenly. I’ll never understand why but I have to trust that it is your time to go. Run free and hope to see you again and we will never be separated again. I so miss you.

  2. Duke, I miss you opening my door in the morning. I love and miss you. I hope you are looking down on us from heaven.

  3. Hi boy, today is the first Saturday that you’re not here. My heart is longing for you. I wish you’re still here so I can hug and kiss you. I love you Duke. I miss our time together. I miss your goofiness, you always following me as soon as I’m up and when I’m in the backyard gardening, you have to be there as well. It’s so hard navigating life without you boy. But I know you’re now in heaven and having fun there with angels and other dogs. I will never ever forget you Duke. You will always be in my heart and I hope one day we will meet again so I can never be separated from you.

  4. Hi my boy, I’m still not used to you not being here. Every time I go somewhere I always worry about you being alone in the house. The girls and I went to dollar tree and Walmart today and I kept thinking about you. Especially when we passed the dog isles my heart sank. I miss you so much Duke. I love you, I always kiss you pic on my phone. God I wish you are still here with me.

  5. Hi Duke, today marks the 18th day you’ve been gone and not a single day I don’t miss you. I love you boy and thank you for all the wonderful times we spent together. You and I are always the ones that stayed up late, watching tv, playing hide and seek. O feel like you’re still around, I’m sure your spirit is still with us, watching over us. You will always be my number 1 boy. I miss you Duke and I hope you know you’re so much loved by everyone.

  6. Good morning boy, it’s been a month exactly today since you crossed the rainbow bridge. It still so painful to remember that day. I was so devastated and couldn’t believe that will be the last day I’ll ever see you. My heart is broken and I miss you everyday. I so wish we have more time together but I understand your time here on Earth is up. I really do hope and pray that you’re up there waiting for me until we will be joined in eternity. I love you Duke and you are the best dog, friend and companion. You were there for me through good times and bad, giving me unconditional love. I just wished you knew how much I love you and I’m sorry I know I could’ve been more present and attentive when you always wanted to play. I hope to see you in my dreams Duke. I so love and miss you sweet boy.

  7. Today is 5 weeks since you passed and my heart is still longing for you Duke. The pain is still here whenever I’m reminded that you’re no longer here. I love and miss you boy.

  8. Hi boy, this is week 6 and a day and not a day goes by that I don’t think of you. When I’m watching TV I sometimes look if you’re next to the couch under my feet, your favorite spot. We still have your bed and your toys up. We just can’t put it up just yet. I still have your nose smears on the front little window where you always watch people that walk by or when you wait for Dan to get home. I love you Duke and I miss you everyday. Life certainly is not the same without you boy. I hope you’re getting all the love and attention you deserve there in heaven. Until we meet again my sweet boy.

  9. Good morning boy. I can’t believe it’s been almost 2 months since you left us. A lot has happened since and it made me sad that you were no longer here to share those memories with us. We went to the beach twice and now the girls started school. I lov and miss you Duke. I will never forget you boy. You will be forever in my heart. I really do wish and pray that you are up there in heaven having the best time and just waiting for us to join together. I still look and listen for you boy. Sometimes my heart and my mind still think you’re still here. Like whenever I go outside to the garden I feel like you’re behind me wanting to go too. Yesterday was the first day I had been alone by myself after I dropped the girls to school. The house is surely empty without you Duke. My heart still longing for you. I love you my sweet good boy.

  10. Hi boy, can’t believe today marks the 2 months you’ve been gone. I so miss you Duke and I don’t think me longing for you will ever end. You have made a mark in my life that will never be erased. You’re my goofy, sweet and very loving boy. I’m not ready yet to have another dog but if I do, I wish he is just like you. Have a great time in heaven Duke and know we’re always thinking about you. I love you Duke.

  11. Hi Duke, remember on my last message I said I wasn’t ready yet to have another dog? Well on Thursday which was national dog day, I was watching SA live and they featured these rescue pups that need a forever home. I saw 7 pups from the same mom and fell in love with Link. So on Saturday, we went to the adoption event and decided to take him home. We renamed him to Rex. You now have a little brother. Please don’t think we replace you boy. You are still our goofiest and lovable Dukie. My longing for you is still here, nothing changed. I love you boy and again I wish you’re still here with me.

  12. Hi Duke, I’ve been thinking about you more and more since yesterday. I keep trying to remember the last day we were together, especially when we were waiting outside of the hospital. I just wish they do take animals depending on their condition. I called and told them you had a stroke or a heart attack and they still made us wait. If only I knew that was your last day with me, I would’ve just have you stayed with us in the car. This covid didn’t help either because they won’t let us in. It also happened on a Sunday where most animal hospitals are closed. My mind keeps wondering if there was something else that can be done to save you. I took you to the hospital in hopes that you will be saved and go home with us. If only I knew that was your time to go, we should’ve just let you stay at home where you’re familiar with the place and take your last breath with all of us present and not in a cold vet’s room. I’m just wondering if the vet even checked you at all Duke, or if they didn’t tend to you until you had another heart attack. This is something that is eating me up so bad. I just hope you passed away in peace and that you know we were there in spirit and that we love you so very much. It’s been more than 2 mos and I’m still not able to move on. Even with Rex being here, my heart is still broken for you. I love you Duke and I hope and pray you’ll visit me in my dreams to let me know that you’re ok.

  13. Hi Duke, today marks 3 months since you left us. Although it gets easier, my heart is still broken and I don’t think it will ever heal again. I’m still longing for you, it’s like I will never have closure. I love and miss you boy and I hope you know that. I also hope you’re having so much fun there in heaven along with the angels and other animals.

  14. Hi boy,

    Today marks the 4th month that you left us. It’s still hurts and I still miss you everyday. I keep wishing I have more time with you. I hope and pray you’re having so much fun there in heaven. I love you boy and no one will ever replace you.

  15. Hi Boy, I’m missing you more today than ever. I know you will never come back to me but I’m still hoping you will. I sure do hope and pray there is an after life and that we will meet again, Duke. My heart still longs for you. I just wish I can still hug and kiss you boy. I love you and I will never forget you.

  16. Hi boy! I can’t believe it’s more than 5 months since you passed. It will be our first Thanksgiving without you and I feel sad. I always save you some ham and turkey and also the ham bone eventhough I know you’ll just burry it in the backyard. You’re such a goofy boy and I love you so much. I hope you’ll have a Thanksgiving feast there in heaven tomorrow boy. I miss you!

  17. Hi Duke! I can’t believe today marks the 6th month since you passed. It’s also the first time in 13 years that you’re not here for Christmas. I’ll miss you opening your presents. I miss you boy and I’m so sad that you’re no longer here. I love you!

  18. Hi Duke! Happy New Year! I can’t believe this will be the first year that you’re not here 🥲also the 7th month since you left us. I miss you everyday and I think of you often. I love you boy and I wish I had more time with you. I hope you’re having so much fun in Heaven and I really do hope you’re thinking of us too. You will always be in our hearts.

  19. Hi Duke, today marks the 8th month that you passed. It’s also Jasmine’s 10th bday party. Her bday is tomorrow, first time that you’re not here. I miss you boy. I wish we had more time together. I still think of you everyday. I love you boy. You’re my best friend and I miss our time together. Especially when it’s just you and me at night, sometimes we play hide and seek. You’re a great finder. You always seem to find me no matter what. I wish you visit me in my dreams boy.

  20. Hi boy. I have been thinking about you more lately and I can’t help but feel guilty for so many things, like having you lay down in our bedroom floor while I’m working or have you sleep more on the couch. We could have been better and I hope you still had a great time with us and knew how much you are loved. You are still in our hearts and nothing can change that. We love you boy and it hurts to think that you’re no longer here. Until we meet again Duke.

  21. Hi boy! Today is 9 months since you left us. It still hurts knowing you’re no longer here. I love you Duke and I miss you everyday. I wish I can still hug and kiss you boy. You were such a good dog and I miss our time together. I miss playing hide and seek with you boy. You were such a great finder! My heart is longing for you boy. I really do hope we will see each other again.

  22. Hi Duke, I have been thinking about you more and more everyday. I always have all these what if’s and guilt. All these I should’ve’s and could’ve’s. I know it won’t make any difference now since you’re no longer here but I just wish I had a little more time with you. I love you Duke, so much! It hurts every day knowing you’re gone.

  23. Hey boy! I can’t believe it’s already 10 months since you passed. I still miss you everyday. I love you Duke and I always think of you. How I wish you’ll visit me in my dreams to let me know that you’re ok and that you know we love and miss you. I hope you’re enjoying yourself there in heaven with lots of walks, treats and belly rubs. Until we meet again boy, I love you!

  24. Hi Duke, I can’t believe today marks 11 months since you left us. Almost a year already and it still hurts knowing you’re no longer here. I still miss and look for you everyday boy. I hope and pray you’ll visit me in my dreams to let me know you’re doing ok and that you’re at peace. I love you so much boy.

  25. Hi boy, I can’t believe it’s already been a year since you passed. I can still remember like it was yesterday. I miss and love you Duke. You’re my best friend boy. I will never forget you and I truly hope we will meet again someday.

  26. Hi Duke, it’s been a while since I left a message here. I’m still thinking about you everyday. This morning when I came home from dropping the girls to school, as I was pulling in the garage I saw your toys. I looked at each of them and they reminded me of how you played with them. Even when you got older you still like playing with your toys. I miss you Duke and I’m still saddened by the fact that you passed so suddenly. My heart aches for you boy. I wish you are there in Heaven and thinking of us too and that you’re waiting for the day when we all get reunited again. I love you boy.

  27. Hi Duke,
    I can’t believe it’s almost 2 years since you left us. I can still remember like it was just yesterday. It was definitely the saddest day of my life. I was so devastated and felt the pain most the next day. I cried everyday for a week or longer. I love you boy and I really do hope and pray we will meet each other again.

  28. Hi Duke! Wow 2 years already and I still miss you everyday! I wish you’re still with us but I know it was your time to go. I’m sure if you’re here still, your quality of life will no longer be good. I just miss you so much boy. Today will not be a good day for me since it will bring back bad memories. I will try to remember all the good times we had instead so I won’t be so sad. I love you Duke, until we meet again my sweet boy.

  29. Hey Duke, holidays come and gone and it is now 2024. I think of you often and still wishing you’re here. I do hope and pray that we will meet again boy. I love and miss you every day. I still have your things, like your bed, your house and toys. I can’t bear the thought of getting rid of them. I even kept a can of your food and your favorite snack. Losing you was that hardest thing I’ve went through since it happened so fast, without a warning. I just hope you didn’t suffer on your last day and that you knew you were loved so much. I hope to see you in my dreams soon. I love you Duke 💕

  30. Hi boy, sorry I haven’t written in a long time. I lot has happened in 7 months. Bruno passed away on Wednesday. I hope you and him met there in heaven. Jackie is missing him so bad just like I’m missing you. I hope you’re enjoying yourself there in heaven and you’re getting lots of treats and belly rubs. I love you so much Duke and wish I could still hug and kiss you. I hope to see you in my dreams someday. I think of you often and wish you are still with me.

  31. Hey there Duke, the holidays are already over and it is now 2025. I can’t believe it’s almost 4 years since you left us. I have been thinking about you a lot lately. I love you boy and I hope you are having fun there in doggy heaven. I miss you everyday.

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