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Dusty Palacios

dusty palacios

You have taught me so much in these amazing years together. You showed me how to be patient, as I waited for you to climb the stairs to our home. Even though you had to take one tiny step at a time, you didn’t want to be carried, you wanted to be able to take your time. You taught me how to care for someone and make sacrifices to make sure they had all they needed. I never spared any expense for your comfort and well-being. I will never regret that, but sometimes there is only so much one can do. The right thing to do for the one you love can also be the most painful and you taught me that too.

I am so grateful to God for every single memory and moment I got to share with you. It has been so hard to let you go, but I once promised you that I would always do right by you. I have seen over the years, you getting older, your skin not as strong, your eyes began to cloud and I knew in my heart that I would soon have to let you fly. When I heard the news that you were sick and this disease would take you, I felt my heart ache like it never has before. It seems the last lesson you would teach me, is how to let go of my most prized possession. I will have to learn to live without your constant love and devotion.

It is only with the heart that one can see rightly. What truly matters is invisible, it can only be felt by the heart. I know your spirit and memory will be with me always. When I feel the sunshine on my face and the breeze in my hair, I will remember that in life there are seasons…and our season together has come to an end. We had a good run buddy, we got to start our 16th year together. You have been the little heartbeat at my feet all of these years. You were my little protector, my constant source of love and companionship.

Thank you, my little Dusty, for a lifetime of memories, adventures and good times. I will honor your memory everyday by living the beautiful life that I know you would want me to have. Till we meet again, my faithful friend, I love you with all my heart. To me you were unique in all the world and even though you could never tell me, I know you felt the same way. I was yours and you were mine. You showed me your love every day, followed me to every room, and even on our last day together you kissed my hand in gratitude as I gave you something for your pain. You were the best little son I ever could have been blessed with and I will always love you. I find peace knowing that you are healthy, happy and whole running in the presence of our Heavenly Father.

Love your mom and best friend,

The righteous care for the needs of their animals
Proverbs 12:10

Dusty was loved by so many, if he could say how he felt he would give the following message:

To my grandmother Norma Leal, who always cared for me when my mom was away and took the time to prepare me fresh little meals, as I waited patiently by hoping you would give me a snack when mom wasn’t looking! Thank you for opening up your heart and your home to me. I always felt safe with you and you always made sure I had enough toys and oh…so much love. I love you with all my heart grandma. I loved making trips to your house. I always got so excited, I could barely contain myself, when you walked to the car window to greet me. Thank you for always being there for me and loving me.

To Brian Rodriguez, my friend and companion, you were with me till the very end, you loved me so much. I knew your heart was crushed, but you stayed strong for my mommy as we drove to our last goodbye. Mommy and I will forever be grateful to you for your love and loyalty.

To Cathy Mendoza, my T ia, you cared so much for me and always made me feel safe and loved. I loved spending time with you and hearing your voice always made my little ears perk.

To my Tio, Bobby Palacios, I loved to play with you and hear you call my name. Spending time with you always made my tail wag!

To my little brother Clooney, thank you for being my eyes and ears towards the end, for taking the reins and helping me to feel safe, as I aged with grace. Even though we had a rough start, I truly love you and missed you when we were apart.

To the entire Leal and Palacios Family, thank you for loving me for my entire life and making me a part of your family. I always felt special, cared for and loved. Till we meet again…smile more and enjoy every moment of this beautiful life.

Love you,

Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay.
Ruth 1:16

***Thank you all for your prayers and heartfelt concern for us during these trying days.
We are truly grateful for such amazing friends and family.***

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