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Gerber Soria

gerber soria

GERBER April 19, 1990 – January 20, 2007

I have so many great memories of you. I’ll never forget when I first got you. You fitted inside the palm of my hand. You maybe were the runt, but you were much bigger than that in life. That first night I brought you home you cried and cried like I’m doing right now trying to get through this memorial of you. I actually almost gave up on you and wanted to return you but the vet said to take you off the Gerber baby food and give you real puppy food. Now, you know how you got that cute but funny name. To think I was going to give up on you after that first night of crying. I would have missed out on all the joyous years you gave me and my family. You truly were the sweetest little dog anyone could ever wish for. And I do look forward to the day we meet again when you come over the Rainbow Bridge. You can go on over and be with Marylou and Janice if you like. I’d like to finish this with a poem about you:

G is for greatness for such a small dog E is for excellence in chasing a tennis ball R is for returning that ball so many times Bis for beautiful is what you are Eis for everything you have done for us Ris for the rambunctious little girl you were till the end.

I hope you felt the same way about me and my family. We will always cherish you as the best pet anyone could ever want or dream of.

Love always,

Jackie and family

Funeral Home:
All Paws Great and Small Crematory
5611 E. Houston St.
San Antonio, TX
US 78220

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