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Hershey Belle Leos-Garcia

hershey leos-garcia

Hershey Belle meet her parents AnaLisa and Lisa Ann in June 2001 in Seguin, Texas and it was love at first sight for all three. Hershey Belle won their hearts by immediately showing them she could do what they ended up calling her “army crawl”. Hershey Belle was a 2002 graduate of PetsMart Obedience School. Hershey Belle (Bella) spent her younger days basking in the sun and rotating from side to side, chewing up paper, and playing with her stuffed animals. Bella loved eating cheese, pizza, meat, meat, and more MEAT. Bella could be found frolicking in the park or down the street in search of . . . . well, we will never know. We are not sure if even Bella knew what she was looking for – she was just following her hound nose. Bella is preceded in death by her brother, Christopher Michael, and sister, Amber Michelle. She is survived by her mothers AnaLisa and Lisa Ann Leos-Garcia. Bella was always there with a watchful eye, whether she was protecting the house from chocolate Labradors, Grandma, robbers, opossums, or termites. Bella was never one to omit from a mission. Bella regularly kept her cousins out of trouble, and would always let someone know when they were making bad choices. Bella even once saved a baby kitten she found in the park. She showed courage throughout her life and had willingness to always put others first and protect the ones she loved. She will live on in our hearts forever.

A note to Hershey Bella: You always were, and always will be the love and sunshine of our lives! Kisses!

Funeral Home:
All Paws Great and Small Crematory
5611 E. Houston St.
San Antonio, TX
US 78220

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