Jackie Garza

On March 6th, 2013, Jackie was laid to rest after battling cancer. Jackie was a beautiful calico kitten, who was part of our family for the past 13 years. There is no doubt in our minds that Jackie was completely devoted to her lifelong companion, Val. She is preceded in death by our previous calico cat, Georgette, and is survived by, Miracle and Rogue. As soon as Jackie joined us, she was an instant source of entertainment to our family. She used to pop up from behind the furniture and startle us as she raced through the house with excitement. It was only fitting to name her Jackie, after “Jack-n-the-box.” We still remember driving up the driveway and find her sitting on the window sill, not to mention climbing up the window screen if she wanted to come inside immediately. We are at peace knowing she is no longer suffering. Although, she appeared to be just a cat, to us she meant so much more – a devoted member of our family, who knew we loved her just as much as she loved us. We miss you Jackie and know you are at the Rainbow Bridge, “just this side of heaven.” Till we meet again.
Val Gomez (and the Garza family)
Funeral Home:
All Paws Great and Small Crematory
5611 E. Houston St.
San Antonio, TX
US 78220
Sign the Guestbook, Light a Candle