Katie Ramsey

May 11, 1998 ~ March 22, 2014
Katie passed away on March 22, 2014, surrounded by her immediate family in their home. She was born on May 11, 1998, in Scottsdale, AZ, in the home of her Grandma-ma and Grandpa-pa, Nancy & the late Karl Stalnaker . She was adopted by her parents, Patricia and John Ramsey, on September 10, 1998, while they were living in Scottsdale. She is survived by her parents, her two sisters, Annie (age 8 years) and Lily (age 3years), her paternal grandmother, Dorothy Ramsey, other extended family and all she met along her life’s journey. Katie had a life full of adventure as her family moved from Scottsdale, AZ, to Tacoma, WA, and finally to Helotes, TX.
The following are thoughts from her daddy:
“Katie you were special in the way all dogs are; you had your own loveable mannerisms and your own personality. It is not surprising that you bonded so closely with me since, if you had also had one or two sedentary hobbies, our interests would almost have been totally aligned!
When I think of you, Katie, I will remember :
a.the first day we met at the breeders, seeing you bound through the doggie door, dance in the water bowl to cool off, and then run straight to me to try to jump up in my lap; you had me at the doggie door! b.your beautiful face and your curly hair; your grandpa-pa Stalnaker named you “Scruffy” because of your curls c.your independent spirit and attitude toward life d.how smart you were; you learned things quickly and intuitively e.how, earlier in your life, when I came home from work or a business trip you would greet me with the most jubilant of receptions, including rolling on your back so your belly could be rubbed as you literally squealed for joy f.how sleeping, eating, routine, and solace were the most important things to you; you knew within 5 minutes either way when 5:00 p.m. came and it was time to be fed. g.those hours we spent together in my recliner with you sleeping while I petted you and watched football on TV h. the hours you slept between my legs as I reclined on our deck in Washington to watch the ships on Puget Sound sail by i.bringing you home from some serious surgery as a puppy and how you looked so lovingly at me in the car j.your stoicism through your knee surgeries and your valiant effort to fight off the aging process. Chasing those squirrels and then jumping up and down at the base of the trees where you had them treed tore both of your ACL’s which had to be repaired with major surgeries and physical therapy. You were definitely a hunting Westie who gifted your mother with a number of your kills k.how you could still go up a ramp to our bed at 15 years and 10 months of age l.how, in your later years, you were the “grande dame” and “sheriff” of our canine family, always expressing displeasure at any rowdiness or perceived impropriety
I know random memories like these will come to me in the future as well. I know I will cry when I think of you. And laugh. You meant so much to me that I cannot find the words to express it; that is the highest purpose and achievement of a dog.
I love you,
At this time her family requests that you communicate via e-mails or cards; their grief is too great for calls or visits.
“The things we truly love stay with us always, locked in our hearts, as long as life remains.”—Josephine Baker
Funeral Home:
All Paws Great and Small Crematory
5611 E. Houston St.
San Antonio, TX
US 78220
Sign the Guestbook, Light a Candle