Lilli Trumbo

With great sadness we put our dear Lilli to rest on July 12, 2010. She was with us almost 11 years, and was a joy to each of us in her own special way. We adopted her from friends who could no longer keep her. She fit right in with us, and was the best dog one could ever wish for.
Lilli lost her eyesight in April, and shortly after was diagnosed with cancer. She valiantly learned to cope on her own and with the help of her little companion, Baby the cat. The cancer took over rapidly and it became evident Lilli was losing her battle and the will to live.
To each of us she left a legacy of memories and smiles, and now tears as we remember her loyalty, trust and cheerfulness.
George, her steadfast companion, made her daily highlight the evening “ride” in the truck for lotto tickets. For Gerri, she was a watchdog and set of ears who always stayed close and provided unwavering protection. When Justin came home to visit, she stayed by his side and instinctively knew he was kid who grew up and not often enough, came back home to play Frisbee. Jay, the newest person in her family, became her best buddy and loved her for her silly grin and ever-wagging tail. And Baby, the cat, – who was her protector, companion, nose rubber, treat stealer, and in the end, her pair of eyes.
We know she loved us as much as we loved her and we will always feel blessed she was part of our lives. – George, Gerri, Justin and Jay, and Baby.
Funeral Home:
All Paws Great and Small Crematory
5611 E. Houston St.
San Antonio, TX
US 78220
Sign the Guestbook, Light a Candle