Max Proffitt Swayze

Tribute to Max Proffitt-Swayze, handsome Akita, who arrived at the Rainbow Bridge on June 11, 2006, after giving 14+ years of wonderful memories to his family.
Fourteen years ago, this beautiful black and white Akita puppy, with no identification, showed up in my neighbor’s yard. The neighbor could not keep him because her dog wouldn’t tolerate another animal. I put this beautiful puppy in my back yard and immediately, very diligently, went about trying to locate the owner. I love animals, but did not want a large dog. I expected each day that the owner would contact me. In the meantime, my grandson and I named him “Max”. Well, Max ate everything in the house including shoes and pillows – even ate chunks out of the wooden fence. For a long time he thought his name was “NO MAX” – spoken in a loud tone of voice. As time passed, however, I fell in love with that dog. He became my very special friend, helper, and companion – really a member of the family. Anytime I took Max someplace – people would stop and say what a “handsome” dog he was. Max loved us all – Chris, Pete, Vicki, Payton, Munner and Grandad, and friends — Dorothy and Katheryn. He was also a good friend to his feline brothers and sisters – and his canine brother “Buddy” and sister “Brittany”. Max had a wonderful life and we, his family, had a better life because of him. He was healthy for fourteen+ years – much longer than the breed’s average life span. He died with great dignity, like he did everything else. He walked outside – went to his favorite place in the yard, laid down, and died. I knew I would miss him – but it was impossible to comprehend how much.
Max – I miss you so much – we all miss you. Even though I always thought I would enjoy being able to straighten my legs out while I slept, which I could not do because all 100 pounds of you was always stretched out across the bottom of my bed – I don’t. I have your urn in my bedroom; I find comfort that it is there. I am thankful that I took the time a few days before you died to sit down with your head in my lap and thank you for being such a wonderful friend and for bringing so much joy to my life. Even though the quality of your life was still good – I knew you could not beat the odds for much longer. My regret, is that I was not there sitting beside you when you died, but I am happy that Chris was with you until I got home. You will ALWAYS AND FOREVER be in my heart. I WILL CHERISH THE THOUSANDS OF MEMORIES I HAVE OF YOU – until we meet at the Rainbow Bridge. THANK YOU MAX!!!!
Funeral Home:
All Paws Great and Small Crematory
5611 E. Houston St.
San Antonio, TX
US 78220
Sign the Guestbook, Light a Candle