Maximus Martinez

The day we met you, Max, we knew we had to bring you home. You blessed us with 12 years of unconditional love and amazing companionship. You were the sweetest, kindest, most loving dog who loved anyone you came in contact with. You will live in us always, as you left paw prints in our hearts that can never be erased. We will miss you always until we see you again. Good bye for now, our beloved best friend.
Funeral Home:
All Paws Great and Small Crematory
5611 E. Houston St.
San Antonio, TX
US 78220
All Paws Great and Small Crematory
5611 E. Houston St.
San Antonio, TX
US 78220
Adorable, Maximus, rest over the Rainbow Bridge until you can see your loving family again, dear boy.
My maximus, I will love you forever and more. Thank you for all the beautiful memories these last 12 years.
Awww…MAX you were a great pal..u will be missed!!!
You weren’t just my pet, nor a dog to me. You were my best friend. I remember so many days being with you, and I will always miss them dearly. Waking up to you is something that i needed to start off my morning. Without your little prescence I can barely go on through the day, you were my best friend, and we had done so much together. I’ll always miss every morning, ever little second I got to have with you. I know one day I’ll get to see you again, with your little wings and pure joy in your heart with all sickness gone. It’ll just be like the old days, huh? Keep having a kind heart maximus, thank you for always being there for me. I’ll always miss you
We brought your remains home today and we are reeling still from losing you on that fateful day. We miss you Max, and we always will. Although we feel so awfully sad, we rejoice for all the time we had. You’re in our hearts and in our minds and for that we are all so glad. We will love you forever more.
The day we brought you home I feel in love with you from bringing you home from the pet store to taking you to target and hanging out or the truck window I knew you were ours to love and adore, from me taking you a bath to telling you vamenos. You will always have a place in my heart Maximus and will always be missed. Till we meet again your owner The Martinez Family.
I kiss your urn and hold my nose next to it like I would do to you when you were here with us, I talk to you and tell you good morning every morning, and hello and goodnight whenever I get the chance. I love you, my maximus.
My maxi, I love you. And I hope today you receive all good doggy treats and toys. We wish you could be with family today but we know God sent you home for a reason. We miss you every day. I hope you have a very merry Christmas and come visit us soon, in our dreams or at home.
My sweet little man, I’ve been crying the last couple of days, I hope that’s not something you can see… I miss you so much. I snuggled with that little stuffed animal we bought in memory of you. I really hope you’re being treated with all kinds of kindness. I love you always and forever.
My sweet little maxi, first off i am really sorry that’s it’s been awhile. Ive been busy with school and work but don’t think I’ve forgotten you! I kiss your urn every morning and night to make sure you feel all my kisses. I’ve got some news for you, your sister (even though she is a cat) she passed away this past Sunday and I was curious to know of ya’ll have been reunited yet? I really hope you’re playing and getting along. I love you both, so very much. I’m not okay now but my good days will out weigh the bad ones. I hope you both are proud of me. I’ll see you at the bridge so we can cross together.
Hello my sweet love, I miss you. I wonder what you’re thinking right now. These painters had to come in and repaint our wall, and we had to move your urn. Did you feel it moving? You’re back safe and sound on the shelf in the living room next to your favorite chair that DJ always sits on. I miss your tail wags, I miss your slobbery kisses and your overly long hair. I miss giving you tummy rubs and everything in between. I miss taking you a bath and you would think the towel was your blanket. I hope you’re proud of me. I have an opportunity to move up in my job, ooh I wish I could hold you and tell you all about it. But your pictures will have to do. I still kiss your urn every morning and night, do u feel it? I love you Maxi. Until we meet again.
Hello my sweet boy! Harlee has been so sad lately and we just celebrated your life with your year anniversary. There isn’t a day that goes by when I don’t miss you. I cry still at night. I love you with all my heart & I hope this Thanksgiving you are being served the best food.
My sweet Maxi, We moved… I know that you know that because I feel your presence here. You’re very calm. I love you. Everything has been going good, I just wish you were still here to wag that tail in my face and give me those big puppy eyes. Keep watching over us, give us a bark when you feel its appropriate or not, up to you. I love you. Forever missing you.
Loving you and missing you everyday. Send me some little puppy hints to let me know what you’re doing and what kind of puppy friends you have made.
My dear maximus, you’re in my room now and I’m loving every minute of it. I love you sweet precious boy.
My sweet Maxi I love you, I miss you so much. Send me a little sign of how you’re doing, I’m sure you’re wonderful.
I love you sweet boy.
I love you sweet boy. I miss you
My love, I miss you.
Amor has been up with you for 2 years now… HOW?? Time has gone by so fast, I love you.
Until we meet again.
My maxi,
I miss you so much.
I miss your cuddles and I need them alot like all the time.