Mosely Green
Mosely was found by Tracey Green through Animal Friends Humane Society, lying in the grass after being hit by a car. He suffered a broken pelvis. After biting his rescuer, the Green family decided he was a keeper. A few years later he had a piece of bone break off from his original injury that lodged in his spine and he was paralyzed. Mosely made a full recovery with lots of love and his favorite treat fruit loops. Mosely loved fruit loops and we used them to motivate him to start walking again. He had alot of tragedy in his short life but I believe he felt very loved and lived a full life. We will miss our little man and look forward to seeing him waiting for us at the gates of heaven. I’m sure God has fruit loops for you too Mosely. Love, Daddy, Momma, Brenna, Madi, Peyton, and your 4 legged brothers and sisters
Funeral Home:
All Paws Great and Small Crematory
5611 E. Houston St.
San Antonio, TX
US 78220
Sign the Guestbook, Light a Candle