Olivia Kirby

October 1, 2007 ~ October 22, 2021
When we first met Olivia, she was the tamest of a group of “community cats” who ate and sheltered at various houses around the neighborhood. At first, we called her Oliver, but after a small litter of kittens, we quickly changed it to Olivia. We also learned about a local Trap, Neuter, Return program and quickly signed her up for that. She took up residence in our yard and garage to recuperate from the neutering, and continued to live there happily for many years until the day a roaming dog caught her in the open and permanently injured her leg. We then decided to take her into our home where she settled in to became a very pampered house kitty, and a much loved member of the family. She liked to sleep on the end of our bed and never failed to purr contentedly during the many pettings she was always demanding. She also learned to make a sound like the word “hello”, and would use it repeatedly when her meals were late or just to get the attention she craved. The dog became her best friend and always greeted her by licking her ears profusely. Sadly, she started having stomach problems recently and lost a good deal of weight. The vet suspected cancer, and when she began to feel the pain despite her medication, we knew the most humane course was to send her home. Rest in peace little kitty. You were a sweet and gentle little animal and we loved you very much. We will dearly miss you and your big, loving green eyes.
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