Paul Anka

September 28, 2007 ~ October 5, 2009
Paul Anka was born on September 28, 2007 and left us on October 5, 2009 in an accident that left our hearts and home empty without him. An inside dog, one morning, he wandered off into the street of our new neighborhood and was struck in the head by a vehicle that left him for dead. Pauly came into my life in December of ’07. I was going through a very difficult time in my life and God sent him to me as a gift to protect me, love me, and keep me company. We instantly bonded and he became my baby. I remember the first day I brought him home, as we walked into the apartment with a bag of dog food, my sister’s eyes widened and asked “what did you do?!” but she couldn’t be mad. He was the cutest thing as a puppy, only 9 weeks old. The first three days he slept on my bed, but I knew I had to train him. He was my first pet and I knew this would definitely be a learning experience. The following night he slept in his kennel. He hated it! He cried and cried so I slept on the floor the following nights, not letting him out no matter how bad I felt. Then, he learned. The first of our many milestones together. Some of our other little battles were “don’t pull on the leash,” “don’t chew on the blinds,” “don’t bark at the cats,” “don’t eat anything leather,” “stop stealing my underwear,” “quit chewing on my shoes,” “don’t knock over the trash,”…but I guess he won most of those on a daily basisHe loved getting into trouble!! In my favorite picture, he had managed to get into a pile of charcoal dustthat lil’ brat. All of this was well worth it with just one look at his face. He loved me! Everyday he welcomed me with the most excitement you’d ever seen! He jumped up and down and looked for my hand to his face as a sign of love and approval, and it felt so special to come home to that. He would see me coming through the window, with his tail waging and his tongue sticking out, almost a smile, knowing just when to run to the door. Sometimes I think he did things just to get a laugh out of us. He would attempt to jump on couch and often missed having no grip against the wooden floors and crashed right into it. He loved to play fetch, but battled with you when he brought you the toy back, not making it an easy fight. He may have been a small 15 lb. Shih Tzu, but he was as strong a chewer as a 50 lb dog. His favorite toys were the plush squeaky toys. He wouldn’t say uncle until the stuffing was torn out of his victims. And he loved his rawhide bones. When he commanded your attention, he brought a toy to your face, and he often spoke up if you ignored him. When he wanted love, he simply sat by you waiting to be scratched and petted. He did the cutest thing, putting his two little front paws over his eyes as if playing peek-a-boo. Pauly loved being outside and playing with other dogs. Going to the dog park was always a treat. He often rushed out the front door if left open for a second, usually chasing a cat. It always scared me, but he always ran in the direction of our walks and stayed off the street. Unfortunately, it was this curious love for the outdoors that led to his death. Pauly was just like his mama, he was brave, independent, little doggie with a strong personality. My favorite memory of him happened just before he passed. After moving into our new home, unpacking and sweating all day, I sat on the couch to rest for a minute. I was tired, stressed, and not in the best of moods. Pauly just looked at me, and did something he never did before; he jumped on the couch and sat right on my lap. He must have sensed all my emotions and wanted to make me feel better. He, a small little doggie that can’t tell you anything, told me at that moment that I was so very special to him and that he loved me. And losing that hurts Paul Anka, you were the best thing that had happened to me in a long time, and I will always love you. It was a privilege to see you develop a personality and having you in my life. It hurt me when you were hurt, and it angered me whoever hurt you. I loved you with all my heart and you made my life whole. I expected you to be around when I had children, and they would share your love with me. I imagined your death to be in many years and never thought our time together to be so short. I would give anything to have you back, but I’m sure you have as many stuffed animals as you’d like in doggie heaven. You were my best friend, my partner, my buddy, my baby boy, my family. I will miss you always.
Funeral Home:
All Paws Great and Small Crematory
5611 E. Houston St.
San Antonio, TX
US 78220
Sign the Guestbook, Light a Candle