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Pebbles Holley

pebbles holley

Today is a very sad day for me … I have to say good bye to my loving dog ( Pebbles ) forever. So I say Good Bye to my loving animal Friend Pebbles.

This has to be the hardest part of letting go of someone or something that you love so dearly in life. Pebbles was not just a pet or a dog to me .

Pebbles was my one and only true friend that has and would stay beside me from the first day I saw her back in February 14, 2000 on Valentines Day.

Pebbles was about three month’s old when I got her from a guy who lived on the South side of town at a used appliance store on Flores street.

My heart went out to her living in such unacceptable conditions.

I recall the day I went to look at the puppies .. there was something about this little pup, she got up and came over to me and started playing with me and giving me a little show, that she was the one I needed to take home. So I had decided I would take her home with me … boy did she bring out the joy and love she enjoyed to show me .

It was later that year she went into heat and I wanted to breed her with the same type of breed as her Terrier/yorkie mix. Well thing’s work out great finding another dog similar to breed her to .

Pebbles gave birth to 7 puppies, 4 girls and 3 boys, but the last girl pup was to weak and tiny and she died the next day.

I will have to say this it was one of the greatest sights to see and to be involved in helping her through her giving birth of the puppies.

She would only trust me with her puppies and that made me feel very special because she trusted me.

Well Pebbles still has 3 of her puppies living today one of the females is living in the state of Ohio with my mother and there are 2 other siblings living with my friends here in San Antonio, Texas. The male pup is living with close friends of the family Kaye and the female is living with Darlene and they are in great health.

I just want other people to understand that pets can become your best friend in your life and they are understanding and don’t judge who you are but love the fact that you give them your love just as you want to be loved.

Pebbles showed me a lot of love when I needed someone to understand the hurt I was going through feeling unloved and lonely at certain times in my life, but Pebbles would come around to play with me or lay in my lap or lay beside me on my bed.

Pebbles would go everywhere with me at times …. like she went to New York State and to Ohio State and she lived in The state of Texas which was her birth city San Antonio twice…..

It was late March of 2009 I notice a change in Pebbles action in playing and wanting to do thing’s like she would normally do. I set up a visit to a Vet. The Doctor diagnosed Pebbles with congestive heart problem and placed on medicine for heart and some other medicine for pain.

May 2010 the problem started getting worse with Pebbles and I was getting scared that she was going to die in her sleep and I would check on her a lot of times through the night … I loved Pebbles and she is all I had to hold on to in life any longer .. the problem kept getting a little worse each day and week.

I would lay down beside Pebbles and cry and pray to the lord to help her and that I need her and please .. please don’t take her away from me.

Well it came to the last night I got to stay with my loving Pebbles … I know something was wrong because she would not eat her food and didn’t want to take her medicine any longer, She was breathing very hard that night and I put a fan on her and got out my silk sheets to cool her down some and to make her comfortable to get some rest.

I had a hard time sleeping because I had this ugly feeling something was going wrong so I would hold her and lay beside her and sing to her until the morning came and it was time for her medicine again but this time she would spit it out or would not take it at all and she started breathing very heavy and hard and her tongue was truing blue.

My friend drove me to the Vet Hospital as I held her in my arms and kissing her head telling her that I love you momma and please hold on as I was crying and crying please lord help her.

We got to the vet and she was still alive but they took her away from me and made me stay in the front and came and got me and told me that she died on the table …. I cried out no !! … no, wake up !! Mommy please wake up but it was to late she past away with out me by her side.

Pebbles my Sweat loving darling animal friend, I cannot wait to see you again someday but until than please rest in peace we will meet again someday and I will hold you and once again look deep into your beautiful eyes.

Well …. Good night my Sweat Loving Friend !! I Love you and I will miss you, your Sweat Loving Friend … ( James )

Funeral Home:
All Paws Great and Small Crematory
5611 E. Houston St.
San Antonio, TX
US 78220

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