Sasha Southers

January 30, 1994 ~ December 3, 2004
Sasha – The Wonder Dog
I first crossed paths with Sasha in late March of 1994. A friend had informed me about the cutest little puppy that had been dumped in her friend’s backyard during a severe hail and thunderstorm. They found her the following morning under the deck, but she was frightened and would not come out. Ultimately, the Schertz Animal Shelter had to come out and rescue her, and try to find her a home. I went to see her and she was indeed the cutest little puppy, but she was traumatized. I put myself on the list to adopt her(I was 4th on the list at the time) and frequently came to see her over the next week or so. As time went by, fate intervened, and I moved up the list to #1.
I went to pick her up on April 12, 1994. The lady at the shelter proceeded to inform me, as she probably did the people above me on the list, that I was going to have trouble with this dog. She was part Akita and part Chow, and that was a problem right there. Plus she was only about 10-12 weeks old, but was already a psychological nightmare. She kept on and on about the trouble I was fixing to get myself into, and I told her that I was quite familiar with trouble (as God as my witness and quite a few family and friends can attest). She persevered, and I was thinking, ‘piss on you lady,’ but the puppy beat me to it. She proceeded to piss on her, and I asked the lady to please give me my dog. And my life with Sasha began.
As time went by, Sasha earned her name. And with alot of love and affection, overcame the trauma and apparent abuse she suffered in the first few weeks of her life. She went with me everywhere and saw a number of places throughout Texas. She met alot of people through those years and a number of dogs, many of which became her friends for life. I could tell you a number of stories about Sasha, the things she did, the people she touched, and the love she provided, but I would be here forever. She was priceless with her sunglasses and bandanas. Her jaunts into an HEB or a Wal-Mart down the aisles looking for me when she was supposed to be in the truck. The Camping trips. Oh, so many things. There was always a story to tell about Sasha the Wonder Dog, but sometimes the stories come to an end, which is sad and heartbreaking.
In November of 2004, Sasha suffered a relapse of her liver disease, which she had combated for the past 3 or 4 years. She was subsequently admitted to the ER on Dec. 1, 2004, and then the South Texas Veterinary Specialists the following day. She kept fighting it and she appeared she was going to pull through, since she started doing those things like dogs pull out her IV, among other things. I was there with her and I know she wanted to leave. She saw the truck one morning when I was walking her, and she kept trying to head that way. Alas, I had to take her back, because I needed her to get better.
On Dec. 3rd, 2004 at about 6:10p.m., Sasha, my dear friend of almost 11 years passed away. It was her choice to go, and 1 choice I believe was right for her. She was not alone. I was there with her, as well as her friends – Tami and Raul who had come to visit her. Randy, Judy, Kenny and Jeff were all going to be visiting her that weekend. Her friends thought enough about her to want to visit her, and I truly appreciate their kindness, concern and love for my friend-Sasha. She knew she was loved.
Words cannot describe how I feel, because she, albeit a dog to most, was so much more to others that knew her. She had an undeniable spirit and a joy of life. She was the epitome of grace, elegance, stoicism, bravery, loyalty, friend, a protector and too many other things to mention. She was the Queen of her domain, and others treated her that way. She was not a ‘pet me, pet me,’ Rather, when she wanted something from you, she would let you know. Whether it was a treat or attention or just to be loved or fawned over by her canine crew or to be petted by human friends, she let you know and she went back to what she was doing when she was finished. She was not selfish. She gave it all back. She touched people’s lives and they recognized it; the unconditional love she gave to all her friends, the memories she provided. She was the greatest. I am fortunate to have been able to be her friend. Friend, since I never considered myself to be her owner. I am proud and blessed to have had her cross my path, so I could share the wonderful time I had with her.
I want to thank everyone that has been there the past few days for not just me, but for her. There are..oh. so many of you, so I apologize if I do not name all of you. Just please know that it meant alot to me, but it also meant more than you could imagine to Sasha. The positive thoughts and prayers of people that knew Sasha as well as people that did not, probably enabled – I think – her to continue as long as she did and provide me some valuable time with her to say good bye. For that, I truly thank everyone, particularly Dr. Klein and the staff at Babcock Hills as well as Dr. Randall, DeeDee, Monica and the staff at South Texas Veterinary Specialists. I appreciate your efforts.
I am also grateful to Sasha for the companionship and LOVE she provided to me. That I will never be able to repay, even though I gave it all back to her with everything I could. It was hard to let her go that night, but I believe it was time. She passed on her own. That was important. She was ready. I am thankful that I was able to be with her at the end.
I will miss you, buddy. Bones and Michelle will miss you as will everyone. You were the greatest dog, a treasure to behold, and an even greater friend. May you rest in peace and your spirit live forever. I know you will be in my heart and soul forever.
Unti we meet again, your loving friend,
P.S. Sasha.. Bones really missed you and LOVES you dearly. He adored you. I promise to take care of him, until you meet up with him again at the Rainbow Bridge.
Funeral Home:
All Paws Great and Small Crematory
5611 E. Houston St.
San Antonio, TX
US 78220
Sign the Guestbook, Light a Candle