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Sweetie Pie Cormier

sweetie cormier

Sweetie (Pie) Cormier found us in October 2004 when she was already fully grown. I’m embarrassed to say I tried to discourage her from hanging around, as we already had 2 dogs and a cat. But it didn’t take me long to fall head over heels in love with her. I will never forget when she would come sprinting down our driveway when we called her name, turning onto her back at our feet like she was sliding into home plate; bring us a deer skull with a full rack, held proudly high in the air to avoid dragging it on the ground; bark while looking straight up at a 1500-pound bull that had wandered onto our property, standing her ground as it towered over her; devour grasshoppers during our daily walk to the mailbox; survive 2 rattlesnake bites and a porcupine skirmish; climb onto my human loved ones like they were furniture; follow me around the house with her little tail wagging a mile a minute; snuggle and gurgle with delight while being petted and held; afford toddlers the same respect and admiration that she gave adults; and jump up and down with excitement, as if on springs, whenever it was time to come inside, go outside, or eat. She gave and received love without hesitation, enjoying life to the fullest and bringing joy to all who were privileged to know her. She eventually even came to a peaceful understanding with my cat. I will miss her always.

Funeral Home:
All Paws Great and Small Crematory
5611 E. Houston St.
San Antonio, TX
US 78220

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