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Unique Saenz

unique saenz

Unique was born on Feb.14th 2003 and left me and her place on earth on July 23rd 2014

Unique was my best friend for 12 yrs and lived a great life with me and was a big part of my family.

Everywhere i went she went and was my sidekick through the tough and great times in my life. Unique left me with

a blessing 4yrs ago. Unique left me a piece of her. Her daughter that is still alive today and her name is Minnie.

Uniques name fits her to a “T” she was very Unique she loved to play all the time. She fetched the ball, ran through the sprinklers and enjoyed just lounging in the sun. I MISS HER SOOOOO MUCH AND THERE IS NOT GOING TO BE A DAY THAT GOES BY THAT I DON’T THINK ABOUT HER. I am grateful that God gave her to me in this journey we call LIFE and know one day i will see her again. The memories i have of my baby girl will last forever and i know she is watching over me each and everyday. I LOVE YOU UNIQUE AND I CAN’T WAIT TO SEE YOU AGAIN BABY GIRL!!!!!! AT THE RAINBOW BRIDGE :)

Funeral Home:
All Paws Great and Small Crematory
5611 E. Houston St.
San Antonio, TX
US 78220

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