Tiny Long
May 1, 2015 ~ January 8, 2021
Hello my name is: Tiny
My nickname is: Whinny Tiny chicken Hiny ( thanks auntie Kim)
My age: 5 years
My weight: 3 – 4 pounds ( it is the holidays )
My favorite human food is: Cheese
My biggest fear: Nothing I am a Chihuahua! Except EMS people, because they were always taking my first mom away.
My favorite thing to do: Sleep on my new mom and run outside to bark and run up and down the fence with my neighbor, Brinks the Blue Healer
My favorite toy: I once had a mousey that I couldnt live without, but my first moms assisted living place lost it. Now I love to wrestle the socks off my new mom, and wrestle around with 2 of my sisters in my pack.
Do I love car rides: YES,YES, YES!! and on wheelchairs and bikes, anything that moves!
Do I snore: No but I growl if anyone gets to close to me.
My job: Being cute, protecting my home from any intruders, making sure no one gets more snacks than I do.
My breed is: Chihuahua
My favorite human: Oh my, I have too many, Mom, My human pack is: Cameron, Kim, Luis,Jon,Paige,Bas,Jack,April,Brittany, Lauren,Ryan,Betty. I know when Mom is talking to them on the phone, I scream to the top of my lungs if shes going outside to see them. I’m a really good screamer did I mention they kicked me out of assisted living because I would scream if my first mom went down to eat without me.
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